For Factory:
Big electricity consumption
Factories consume an enormous amount of electricity every month, so factories need to consider how to save electricity and reduce the cost of electricity. The advantages of installing PV module power generation system in factories are:
First,make full use of unused roofs.
Second,solve the problem of high electricity consumption. The roof area of the factory is large, so it can install a large area of solar power generation system to supply electricity to the factory, thus reducing the cost of electricity.
Rebates policy
Third, the state supports solar power, some cities can also enjoy municipal subsidies, plus the proceeds of selling electricity, take china for example, a power income can be more than 1 yuan. This situation not only can solve the problem of electricity but can also be invested in finance. Therefore, we can make full use of the electricity, and do not have to worry about electricity is too expensive.
reduce carbon emissions
Fourth,the factory installed solar power system can reduce carbon emissions, protect the environment, and actively undertake social obligations.

For Homes:
With the improvement in technology, installing a solar power system is not as expensive as it used to be. In the past, many people may have found it difficult to make a decision all of a sudden because of the high cost of installation. And now, it may not be very difficult to make such a decision. The advantages of installing PV modules on home roofs to generate electricity are:
Save cost
First, in the summer time, due to the installation of apartment balcony solar panel, the PV panels shelter the home from sunshine, which can make the indoor open air conditioning effect enhance, and can reduce the use of electricity. While in winter, with the presence of PV panels, the wind is not easy to enter the house, and the house will be warmer.
Time saving
Second, the post maintenance for apartment balcony solar panel is relatively simple. Users only need to wipe off the dust to the PV panels regularly. Maintenance does not require a lot of labor and material resources, not to mention the need for professional technology, saving time and effort.
Third,environmental-friendly. The solar panels can greatly reduce pollution, contributing to the protection of the earth's ecological environment.
Environmental friendly
Installation of photovoltaic power plant is recommended that the house direction and the installation area near the unobstructed, and no pollution sources (such as dust factories, cement factories, paint factories, iron factories, etc.), so that the installation conditions and results are better.